26 November 2011

26 November 2011

No photos to post just yet. I've still got a small bit of redness around some of my tattoos. It isn't much, but I'm going to wait a few more weeks to update with photos. The tattoos gradually fade more and more the weeks following a treatment.

I know I shouldn't, but I have been looking at a few sites that show tattoos that don't completely fade after doing many laser removal sessions. Mine are going very well, but sometimes I wonder if they will be able to be completely removed. I started looking for people that have used other methods after lasers didn't work. After digging through a ton of sites with obviously Photoshopped pictures, I found a girl who got a surgical excision. For anyone who hasn't heard of this method, it is basically cutting the tattoo out and stitching the skin around it. It is best for small tattoos where the ink is deep and it will almost definitely cause scarring. However, with a small tattoo, the scar might not be noticeable. You can view the blog I found which gives a detailed account of the excision method here.

I'm thinking about possibly doing an excision for a very small tattoo I have on my neck. Not that I am not highly pleased with how the laser removal is going, but if it isn't too costly and can get rid of a tattoo in one sitting, it might be worth trying. The tattoo I am thinking about doing is so small that the scar would probably only be about one half of an inch. Smaller incisions like that tend to fade better, so it is possible it wouldn't leave any scar. If the tattoos I am currently having removed end up not fading completely, this is something I might consider. I don't mind minimal scars and I would rather that instead of nearly faded tattoos. As of right now, I am not worried about that ... I do plan on asking about the neck tattoo during my next laser treatment, though.

If I do decide on getting a tattoo excision, I will go through the entire process and post photos detailing it all here. If anyone reading has any stories about tattoo excision or know of any other blogs that have detailed it, please post!

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