12 April 2012

12 April 2012

There has been a lot happening for me, so I haven't updated. It seems to be the norm amongst people getting tattoos removed that treatments have a tendency to get put off for a little while, as well. I am getting my next treatment tomorrow. The photos I am posting are from today. While there has been a great deal of fading, the flash made the ones on my right arm look more faded than they actually are. The fading was still very impressive.

There are spots where shading have completely disappeared here. The thinner lines are nearly gone.

This one is doing better than I expected. I do think the laser is helping the scarring, though they won't be able to be completely removed. Once the tattoo is gone, I will definitely get some type of scar treatment.

I had to turn the contrast up for this one to be visible in the photo. The thicker lines are all that are left.

This one can barely be made out anymore. It almost looks like bruising. Any bit of shading that was there is now gone. The thinner lines have disappeared, too.

I will update again after my next treatment.

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