Since my last update was soon after a treatment, I will post a wrist picture to show how things look now.

It's almost completely gone!
I think if I were to get some sun, I wouldn't see it at all. Right now, it looks like a slight bruise. The others are still visible and will probably take at least two more treatments, though they have faded very well. I am almost certain this one will disappear completely after one more treatment. Something interesting I have noticed is that even months after having a treatment, the tattoos are fading a little each month that goes by.
When getting IVs for the surgeries I had recently, the nurses would always ask about the tattoo on my left forearm. Because it is a bit of a faded blob that has some scarring for that first non-laser removal I did, the nurses all seem to tread lightly at first when asking about it. One thought it was a burn and didn't want to hurt my feelings. Many guessed correctly by asking if I was having a tattoo removed. When I would tell them about the one on my right wrist (the one pictured above), they've mostly been shocked because they didn't even realize I had one there. I can't wait until the same can be said for the rest of my tattoos.
Thanks to everyone who wrote to ask how the process was going. If anyone reading has started getting their own tattoos removed and is documenting it, please comment so I can link to your page.
I'm going to attempt synching my various accounts (Facebook, Google, Tumblr, Twitter) to keep myself a little more organized and able to update across various platforms. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm willing to try anything. That's it on the update for now. I hope to have another post-treatment update in the near future.