23 July 2011

23 July 2011

It has been a while since my last post and around seven weeks since my second treatment. I should be getting my third treatment soon, but I have a surgery for a tear in my shoulder soon, so I'm going to have to put off the tattoo removal for a little while.

I finally have pictures to post of all of my tattoos since the last treatment.

I didn't think the lower part would fade as much as it did this time because of how thick it is, but it is disappearing well. The shading in some spots is pretty much gone.

I've noticed that some of the scarring on this one is healing bit by bit as I get these treatments. Hopefully by the end the scars will fade along with the ink. There are some spots where I no longer see any ink. Clicking on the picture and comparing it to how it looked in the first post, a difference is extremely noticeable.

There are small spots I notice in this one that are completely gone.

As mentioned before, this one is doing the best. I can't wait to see how it looks after the next treatment.

My skin is very pale due to not being able to get into the sun while I am getting the treatments done. It made it harder than normal to get a good picture. I almost didn't need a flash because of how white I am.

My next update probably won't be until I find out exactly when I will be doing the next treatment. If my surgery goes well, I will probably schedule it sooner than I plan.

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