26 February 2011

26 February 2011

Another small update to say that everything still looks great. Still some itching, but that gets better by the day. I had some minor peeling the past few days. It peeled in the way a sunburn does, but on a much smaller scale. There were very tiny spots over the ink that simply flaked off.

Having to keep these covered is going to be the hardest part. It already hit over 90°F (32°C) here in the south and I had to spend an entire day in the sun. I wore both a light cardigan and used sunscreen.

This week, I was given the go ahead to use something like Mederma or Scaraway to help healing the scars on the tattoo on my left arm. Both have decent reviews, but the sheets seem to help the most with flattening out raised scars. Once I start using something, I will post any results I get.

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