30 January 2011

30 January 2011

Now for the photos. Don't laugh. Actually, do. I made the mistake of getting these starting at age 14 without any thought going into what I was doing or what I was getting put on my body.

This, as you can tell, is on my stomach. It has already started to fade in some spots. I am hoping that because of this, it will be easier to remove.

This is on my left forearm. The reason it looks so faded is because I did do one removal process on it about six or seven years ago. It was a newer removal method at the time and it sounded promising. I was tattooed with an ink called Tat Gone Ink. This ink attaches itself to the original tattoo ink. The skin then rejects the Tat Gone Ink and the tattoo will basically bleed out of the skin. It did work, but as seen in the picture, it left a little bit of scarring. I have a freckle that can be seen on the right side of it. This wasn't visible before the Tat Gone Ink removal. If there is noticeable scarring after the laser removal process, I might try a laser resurfacing procedure.

This is on my right forearm. It is probably the darkest of all of the tattoos that I am removing.

This is my right wrist. It is the lightest and will probably be the easiest to remove.

Though I did make a stupid decision in getting all of these almost 15 years ago, I am lucky that I only used black ink. It is the easiest to remove. Having pale skin will also help in the removal process.

The next photos I post will be the first after-treatment photos.

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